jules sees ya!

A quick posting to correct a bit of a wrong. I wrote about TV presenter Jules Hudson way back when he was tyro front man for the lightweight mid-afternoon TV programme Escape to the Country. It’s about couples looking to sell-up and make their ideal move to the hills, dales or seascape. In those early days I talked about his awkward hand-wringing and maniacal laugh and predicted that he’d make a lousy on-screen estate agent. It’s a viewpoint which has always attracted a vociferous defence from his seeming army of female fans. Not that that has bothered me.

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just jules

I don’t know if you remember but I did a posting (‘deja vu viewing’, Sept 4) about this day-time programme called ‘Have I Been Here Before’ which invited minor celebs to undergo a regression session. It did nothing but show that our dreams are rarely anchored in fact and they had this historian, Jules Hudson, to prove that there was no evidence to show that our celebs had been here before. Big surprise eh! If I was being charitable I’d say it was a diverting half hour but to be honest it was just a pile of rubbish. Anyway after writing the posting I was surprised to receive quite a flurry of comments from the said Jules and another reader, Lizzie Falconer, who is a renowned pyschic and soul therapist. It made for better entertainment than anything I served up. But you sensed some deeper issues.

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